Thursday, March 28, 2013

My recommendation

I recommend that others read "The Pact" for so many reasons, it is such a good read and it will help you see the world in a new light. I strated this book with the thought that it would be boring, but I was wrong. Hell I couldn't have been futher from the truth, this book has people struggling to better them self and fighting to make a better future. That right there will make you also wanna better yourself once you read it. There were so many time I wanted to just stop and drop out of college, but then I started reading this book and I saw how guys worse off than me fought to get to where they are and how they went through medical school, one of the toughest schools you can try and get into. That right there made me not want to give up. If you are of the black community then this book can really talk to you, but for the other races that shouldn't stop you from reading this and being inspired. I like this book so much that I am going to look up the other books these guys have wrote and read them too, I may even write a blog about them.

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