Friday, March 15, 2013

Peer Pressure

I think George is right about the whole friends can influence you more than anyone. Sure your family has alot to do with it and role models too, but you pick your friends and they become more close to you than anyone. You share your secrets with them and they share their secrets with you, making the trust you have in them deepen. Those friends can make you feel better about yourself and make you feel like the worst piece of trash, and if those friends know they have that power over you they can make your life hell. A good friend wants what is best for you and will help you no matter what, and a bad friend drag you down with them and their awful choices. The thing is that there is always a good friend who has a bad friend, but it is all up to that person if they want to let their life be destroyed. Like with Rameck and his decision to stop hanging out with those "freinds" he thought would be their for him and loyal enough to stick together. Rameck is just lucky enough he found friends in Sam and George, people who wanted to better themseleves and also those around them.

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